Main Fields of Action

In terms of Vertical sectors the action of ITS is addressed mainly to:

· Defense

· Space

· Commercial, deriving competences and technologies from the first two fields


In terms of Horizontal capabilities, ITS will develop the following main ones:

· Data processing of digital images coming from several typologies of sensor (multispectral and hyperspectral electro-optics, radar, etc.) also implementing techniques of data fusion

· System Integration extending the concept of distributed information architectures (LAN and Web) also to Complex and Robust systems (C4I2) using wireless links (Link 16, Satcom UHF, GBS)

· Simulation and Modeling also of Complex Scenarios (Digital Battlefield and Operational Training)

· UAV On Board Subsystem

· Technologies and Systems based on satellite navigation (GPS and Galileo)

· High End Computing also for on-board and distributed systems.

· RFID Application for the Italian Air Force

· TLC Satellite Space architectures

· TLC Satellite Ground Architecture

· Strategic and Sectorial Consultancy both to PMI and to the Research and Acquisition Government Bodies